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Ai Thinker ESP Module and Development Board

Ai Thinker ESP Module and Development Board, a game-changing solution that combines the power of the ESP32 AI Thinker and ESP8266 modules. Designed for developers and enthusiasts alike, this cutting-edge board offers unmatched functionality and flexibility for your IoT and AI projects.

One remarkable addition to this board is the ESP32 S2 Feather, which offers enhanced processing power and a feather form factor. This compact and portable module is perfect for projects that require mobility and a streamlined design. The ESP32 S2 Feather opens up new possibilities for building IoT devices, wearables, and smart gadgets.

The Advance Controller Board is highly compatible with popular development environments, making it easy to prototype, test, and deploy your IoT and AI applications. Harness the power of Bluetooth and NRF Modules combined with the Ai Thinker ESP Module and Development Board to create cutting-edge solutions that push the boundaries of technology.

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