PC817 DIP-4 Transistor Output Optocoupler (Pack of 5 ICs)

SKU: RM017932

Product Highlights

  • 10 to 20mA Collector current.
  • 50mA Forward current.
  • 6V Reverse voltage.
  • 200mW Total power dissipation.
  • Applications: Communications & Networking, Industrial.

50.00 (Incl. GST)

The PC817 DIP-4 Transistor Output Optocoupler is a 1-channel 4-pin Transistor Output Photocoupler contains an IRED optically coupled to a phototransistor. It is suitable for programmable controllers and facsimiles.


  1. 10 to 20mA Collector current.
  2. 50mA Forward current.
  3. 6V Reverse voltage.
  4. 200mW Total power dissipation.
  5. Applications: Communications & Networking, Industrial.
SKU: RM017932 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00025-S04-P01-Z01
Weight 999974 g