JACKLY MAS830L DC AC Voltage Digital Pocket Multimeter

SKU: RM006747

Product Highlights:

  • Safety Class: I CAT II 600V.
  • Over-range indication: 1.
  • Polarity display for negative polarity.
  • Low voltage indication on the display.
  • Data hold.
  • Display Backlight.
  • Fuse: F1: F250mA or 250V,F2: F 10A or 250V.
  • Low Battery Display.

648.00 (Incl. GST)

This item: JACKLY MAS830L DC AC Voltage Digital Pocket Multimeter
648.00 (Incl. GST)
46.00 (Incl. GST)
176.00 (Incl. GST)
248.00 (Incl. GST)
100.00 (Incl. GST)
30.00 (Incl. GST)

The meter is a handheld digital multimeter for measuring DC and AC voltage, DC current, resistance, diode, and transistor with battery operated.


  1. Always make sure the Test Probes are fitted in the correct sockets. (Specially while measuring AC Voltage)
  2. Please choose the correct measuring option BEFORE you connect the probe. (As a thumb rule always choose the greater value and decrease if required)
  3. While measuring Current, make sure to put the Red Probe in 10A socket and the measuring connection should be in Series
  4. While measuring all other parameters other than Current (Ampere ) , the measuring connection should be in Parallel
  5. If by mistake a wrong connection or option is selected and the measurement is initiated, the instrument will Blink / Beep. REMOVE the connections IMMEDIATELY to restrict the damage to a minimum.


  1. Safety Class: I CAT II 600V.
  2. Over-range indication: 1.
  3. Polarity display for negative polarity.
  4. Low voltage indication on the display.
  5. Data hold.
  6. Display Backlight.
  7. Fuse: F1: F250mA or 250V,F2: F 10A or 250V.
  8. Low Battery Display.
SKU: RM006747 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00026-S01-P06-Z01

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