TTP224 4 Channel Digital Touch Sensor For Arduino

SKU: RM000876

Product Highlights:

  • On-board TTP224 capacitive touch 4 key IC
  • On-board 4 road level indicator.
  • Working voltage: 2 V to 5.5 V DC
  • Adjustable output mode, key output mode, longest time and fast/low power output

235.00 (Incl. GST)

The TTP224 is a touch pad detector IC which offers 4 touch key. The touching detection IC is designed for replacing traditional direct button key with diverse pad size. Capacitive touch allows electronics to sense when your finger is within a few millimeters of the surface to simulate a button ?press? just like how the push button works.


  • On-board TTP224 capacitive touch 4 key IC
  • On-board 4 road level indicator.
  • Working voltage: 2 V to 5.5 V DC
  • Adjustable output mode, key output mode, longest time and fast/low power output
  • PCB board size: 35(mm) x29 (mm).

Applications of TTP224 4 Channel Digital Touch Sensor:

  • It is used in touch switch in consumer and industrial purposes.
SKU: RM000876 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00017-S04-P01-Z01