TLP127 IC ? (SMD SOP-4 Package) ? Toshiba Optocoupler IC

SKU: RM017921

Product Highlights

  • IC Name: TLP127
  • Package/Case: SMD-4

58.00 (Incl. GST)

The TLP127 is a small outline coupler, suitable for surface mount assembly. TLP127 consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode, optically coupled to a darlington photo transistor with an integral base-emitter resistor, and provides 300V VCEO.

Specifications and Features:

  1. Collector-emitter voltage: 300 V (min.)
  2. Current transfer ratio: 1000% (min.)
  3. Isolation voltage: 2500Vrms (min.)
  4. UL recognized: UL1577, file no. E67349
  5. BSI approved: BS EN60065:2002, certificate no.8927
  6. BS EN60950-1:2002, certificate no.8928
SKU: RM017921 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00025-S07-P03-Z01
Weight 1000000 g