SS34 Schottky Diode for High-Speed Switching is a semiconductor diode formed by the junction of semiconductor and metal. It has a low forward voltage drop and a very fast switching action. The diode is ideal for free-wheeling, secondary rectification, and reverse polarity protection applications.
Guard ring for overvoltage protection
Low power losses, high efficiency
Low forward voltage drop
High surge capability
Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage(VRRM): 40V
Maximum RMS voltage (VRMS): 28V
Maximum DC blocking voltage (VDC): 40V
Maximum average forward rectified current at TL (IFAV): 3A
Peak forward surge current(IFSM): 100A
Voltage rate of change (rated VR) (dV/dt): 10,000V/?s
Operating junction temperature range (TJ): -55 to +125?C
Storage temperature range (TSTG): -55 to +150?C
Package Includes:
1 x SS34 Schottky Diode for High-Speed Switching (2 pcs).