RS-50 DC 9V-24V 200 RPM High Torque Side Shaft DC Geared Motor

SKU: RM007154

Product Highlights
RS-50 Gear motor is widely used for Industrial Applications. Carries torque greater as compared to Johnson Geared Motors and consumes less current as well. This motor has higher durability and is able to work for hours at a time

1,155.00 (Incl. GST)

RS-50 DC 9V-24V  200 RPM High Torque Side Shaft DC Geared Motor :

RS-50 Gear motor is widely used for Industrial Applications. Carries torque greater as compared to Johnson Geared Motors and consumes less current as well. This motor has higher durability and is able to work for hours at a time. Base motor RPM is 4500.

These motor are always in demand from the DIY project makers as well as small business machines like  Floor cleaning machine. Other than it RS-50 gear motor with different torques and RPM rating used in variety of applications such as  Pan/ Tilt camera, auto shutter, welding machines, water meter, IC Card, grill oven, cleaning machine, garbage disposers, household appliances, Slot machines, Money Detector, automatic actuator, coffee machine, Towel disposal, lighting, Coin refund devices, Mechanical weighing machine, Peristaltic pump and many more.

Please note that this motor will have a ?20% error in the RPM.

SKU: RM007154 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00026-S05-P02-Z01
Weight 1000000 g