RK09K1130AH1-Rotary Potentiometer

SKU: RM015990

Product Highlights

  1. Track Resistance: 10kohm
  2. No. of Turns: 1Turns
  3. Track Taper: Linear
  4. Power Rating: 50mW
  5. Resistance Tolerance: ? 20%

54.00 (Incl. GST)


Rotary Potentiometer, 10 Kohm, 1 Turns, Linear, 50 mW, ? 20%, RK09K Series

The RK09K/D series from Alps are insulated shaft snap-in rotary potentiometers. These are compact type potentiometers 9.8mm wide and are ideally designed for high-density sets and audio applications.

  1. Single unit or dual unit resistor element
  2. Flat knob and screwdriver type shafts are available
  3. The length of the shaft varies from 15mm to 30mm
  4. With or without center detent option available
  5. Total resistance of 5Kohm, 10Kohm, 20Kohm, 50Kohm, 100Kohm and 200Kohm
  6. Total resistance tolerance of ?20% and ?30%
  7. Horizontal and vertical type mounting available
  8. Operating temperature range -10?C to 70?C
  9. Total rotational angle of 280? or 300?and maximum power rating up to 0.05W
  10. 15A, 15C, 1B, 3B resistance taper available


  1. Easy to use
  2. Easy to install
  3. Good quality Product
SKU: RM015990 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00026-S07-P01-Z01
Weight 99954 g