Razberry z wave controller for the raspberry pi

SKU: RM001363

Product Highlights

  • Very solid programming environment, all scripts are open source
  • Home automation modules implement the intelligence of the system
  • HTTP REST API: allow other devices of different protocol to access Z-Way, vice versa
  • Highly secured communication
  • Easy to use interfaces

8,259.00 (Incl. GST)


The RaZberry turns every Raspberry Pi into a Z-Wave Home Automation Gateway. The bundle of hardware and precompiled Z-Wave wireless network management software waits to be completed by your own user interface running in a web browser or a mobile phone.

The Z-Wave software offers an easy to understand and easy to use interface applying the well-known JavaScript interface technology JSON on a built in web server. Writing your own home automation app was never easier and never more affordable.

Tags: Buy Razberry z wave

SKU: RM001363 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00003-S02-P05-Z01
Weight 1000 g