R7FA2L1AB2DFL#AA0 Microcontrollers

SKU: RM018014

Product Highlights

  • Processor: Armv8-M architecture
  • Maximum operating frequency: 48 MHz
  •  flash memory: Up to 256-KB code
  • Serial Communications Interface (SCI) ? 5

785.00 (Incl. GST)

The MCU integrates multiple series of software- and pin-compatible Arm-based 32-bit cores that share a common set of Renesas peripherals to facilitate design scalability. The MCU in this series incorporates an energy-efficient Arm Cortex-M23 32-bit core, that is particularly well suited for cost-sensitive and low-power applications, with the following features

Note: For More info refer to Datasheet


  1. High-efficiency design
  2. Low Power consumption
  3. Total of six analog inputs
  4. Minimum cycles per instruction design or Advance RISC
  5. Programming lock feature for code security
  6. Universal Serial Interface feature
  7. Two pulse width modulation channels?
  8. Watchdog programmable Timer & Oscillator


  1. Processor: Armv8-M architecture
  2. Maximum operating frequency: 48 MHz
  3.  flash memory: Up to 256-KB code
  4. Serial Communications Interface (SCI) ? 5
  5. 12-bit A/D Converter (ADC12)
  6. Operating Voltage: 1.6 to 5.5 V
  7. Operating Temperature: -40? to +85?
  8.  Tolerance: 5-V
SKU: RM018014 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00