MOC8102X IC ? Transistor Output Optocoupler IC

SKU: RM017917

Product Highlights

  • IC Name: MOC8102X
  • Package/Case: DIP-6

53.00 (Incl. GST)

The MOC8101, MOC8102, MOC8103, MOC8104 family optocoupler consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a silicon planar phototransistor detector in a plastic plug-in DIP-6 package. The coupling device is suitable for signal transmission between two electrically separated circuits. The potential difference between the circuits to be coupled should not

exceed the maximum permissible reference voltages.


  1. Isolation test voltage, 5300 VRMS
  2. No base terminal connection for improved common mode interface immunity
  3. Long term stability
  4. Industry-standard dual in line package
SKU: RM017917 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00025-S04-P05-Z01
Weight 999999 g