Megawin MG82F6D17AL20 20-SSOP Microcontroller IC

SKU: RM017959

Product Highlights

  • Model: MG82F6D17AL20
  • Product: Microcontroller IC
  • Operating voltage: 1.8V ? 5.5V
  • Operating Temperature: -40?C to +105?C
  • Package: 20-SSOP

41.00 (Incl. GST)

The MG82F6D17 is a single-chip microcontroller based on a high performance 1-T architecture 80C51 CPU that executes instructions in 1~7 clock cycles (about 6~7 times the rate of a standard 8051 device), and has an 8051 compatible instruction set. Therefore at the same performance as the standard 8051, the MG82F6D17 can operate at a much lower speed and thereby greatly reduce the power consumption


  1. For more technical details, go through the datasheet in the attachments
  2. Image may vary from actual product in terms of brand and value printed


  1. Flexible IAP size by software configured
  2. Code protection for flash memory access
  3. Flash write/erase cycle: 20,000
  4. Low power consumption
SKU: RM017959 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00
Weight 1000000 g