Megawin MG82F6D16AE28 PDIP 28 Microcontroller

SKU: RM017957

Product Highlights

  • 16K Bytes flash ROM
  • 1K Bytes Data RAM
  • Dual data pointer
  • Provide one channel DMA engine
  • 16 sources Interrupt with four-level priority interrupt capability

59.00 (Incl. GST)

Megawin?s MG82f6D17AE20 is a 20 PIN low-cost 8051-based microcontroller in a DIP package. MG82F6D17 is equipped with 16KB Flash, 1KB SRAM, 1.8V~5.5V working voltage (internal reference voltage 1.4V), 6-channel PWM, 4 timers, 1 serial port (UART), Direct Memory Access (DMA), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) transfer speed doubled, and 8 input interrupt.

The Megawin MG82F6D17 MCU is equipped with up to 96Mhz PWM, which reduces inductor size, reduces the charge and discharge ripple (Ripple), and enables higher resolution for frequency adjustment. In addition, the ADC is boosted to 12bit with a maximum speed up to 800K.

Megawin?s MG82F6D17AE20  MCU is especially suitable for industrial control applications such as mobile phone screens, electric tools, auto-reclosing, wireless charging, stage lighting, and household appliances applications (atomizers, range hoods, water heaters, electric rice cookers, beauty apparatus, etc.).

In particular, the built-in CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) ensures that equipment failures do not bring risks to users and allows home appliance customers to successfully sell their products to the European market under the IEC 60730 standard. What?s even better is that with the PWM source 96Mhz, customers can then realize both high-speed PWM and Automatic Resonant Frequency Drift Tracking functions.


  1. Dual data pointer
  2. Provide one channel DMA engine
  3. 16 sources Interrupt with four-level priority interrupt capability
  4. 9/10 timers in all including RTC
  5. Low power consumptions
  6. Compact design
SKU: RM017957 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00