Light Searching Sensor

SKU: RM000012

Product Highlights

  • Sleek Design
  • Designed for Robosapiens Development Boards.
  • Can be interfaced with other Development Boards Like Arduino, Arm 7, Arm 9, Arm 11 etc. by using pin connectors.
  • Presence of sunlight can be detected using the Sensor.

235.00 (Incl. GST)

This is a light based Digital Proximity sensor. These sensors can be used to sense light in a region. It comes with inbuilt Dual Operational Amplifier IC that converts the Analog voltage signal into Digital Signal making it perfectly suitable for Micro Controller / Processor Interfacing.It consist of Two Photodiode and an LM358 operational amplifier IC. The intensity level of the photodiodes is already calibrated for optimal results for the Operational Amplifier. These sensors can be used in applications where we need to use light as a medium.

Features of Light Searching Sensor

  • Sleek Design
  • Designed for Robosapiens Development Boards.
  • Can be interfaced with other Development Boards Like Arduino, Arm 7, Arm 9, Arm 11 etc. by using pin connectors.
  • Presence of sunlight can be detected using the Sensor.

Kit Content of Light Searching Sensor

  • Light Searching Sensor
  • Connector.

Also Searched as: light searching sensor, Photophobic sensor, Sunlight Sensor, buy light searching sensor online, online light searching sensor.

SKU: RM000012 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00007-S04-P05-Z01