Jumper Caps (Pack of 5)

SKU: RM000496

Product Highlights

  • Ease of use.
  • Ease to assemble.

12.00 (Incl. GST)

Jumper is a small blocks on a circuit board with two or more pins emerging from them. Plastic plugs containing a wire fit down over the pins. The wire connects the pins and creates a circuit. To change a jumper setting, pull the plug off its pin(s) and carefully fit it down onto the pin(s) indicated.

Features of Jumper (Pack Of 5):

  • Ease of use.
  • Ease to assemble.

Application of Jumper (Pack Of 5):

  • Mother board.
  • AVR/arduino/raspberry-pi projects.
  • Electronic projects.

Also Searched as:  jumper connector, jumper connector online india, buy online jumper connector, buy jumper connector online, jumper connector device, jumper connector device online

SKU: RM000496 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00002-S05-P03-Z01
Weight 995 g