This is FT232RNTUBE IC. The FTDI Chip has the FT232RNL which is a USB to serial UART interface with optional clock generator output, and the new FTDIChip-ID security dongle feature. The FT232RNL device is added to FTDI?s range of USB UART interface Integrated Circuit Devices.
- The product may vary in shape, color, and markings as compared to the image shown depending upon availability.
- Refer to datasheet in the ATTACHMENTS section for more info. regd. the product.
- Single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface.
- Entire USB protocol handled on the chip. No USB specific firmware programming required.
- Fully integrated 1024-bit EEPROM storing device descriptors and CBUS I/O configuration.
- Fully integrated USB termination resistors.
- Fully integrated clock generation with no external crystal required plus optional clock output selection enabling a glue-less interface to external MCU or FPGA.
- Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud (RS422, RS485, RS232) at TTL levels.
- 128 bytes receive buffer and 256 bytes transmit buffer utilising buffer smoothing technology to allow for high data throughput.
- FTDI?s royalty-free Virtual Com Port (VCP) and Direct (D2XX) drivers eliminate the requirement for USB driver development in most cases.
- Unique USB FTDIChip-ID? feature.
- Configurable CBUS I/O pins.
- Transmit and receive LED drive signals.
- UART interface support for 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits and odd / even / mark / space / no parity