SKU: RM000064

Product Highlights 

  • Single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface.
  • Entire USB protocol handled on the chip. No USB specific firmware programming required.
  • USB 2.0 Full Compatible..
  • Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud (RS422, RS485, RS232) at TTL levels.
  • Integrated +3.3V level converter for USB I/O.
  • Configurable I/O pin output drive strength.

235.00 (Incl. GST)

The FT232R USB UART Driver IC is a device which simplifies USB to serial designs and reduces external component count by fully integrating an external EEPROM, USB termination resistors and an integrated clock circuit which requires no external crystal, into the device. It has been designed to operate efficiently with a USB host controller by using as little as possible of the total USB bandwidth available. The FT232R supports FTDI?s previous chip generation bit-bang mode. In bit-bang mode, the eight UART lines can be switched from the regular interface mode to an 8-bit general purpose I/O port. Data packets can be sent to the device and they will be sequentially sent to the interface at a rate controlled by an internal timer (equivalent to the baud rate pre-scaler). With the FT232R device this mode has been enhanced by outputting the internal RD# and WR# strobes signals which can be used to allow external logic to be clocked by accesses to the bit-bang I/O bus.

Features of FT232R USB UART Driver IC:

  • Single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface.
  • Entire USB protocol handled on the chip. No USB specific firmware programming required.
  • USB 2.0 Full Compatible..
  • Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 3 Mbaud (RS422, RS485, RS232) at TTL levels.
  • Integrated +3.3V level converter for USB I/O.
  • Configurable I/O pin output drive strength.
  • UART signal inversion option.
  • +3.3V (using external oscillator) to +5.25V (internal oscillator) Single Supply Operation.

Applications of FT232R USB UART Driver IC:

  • Making a Controller based project USB compatible.
  • Connection of Modems to microcontrollers to PC via a USB connection.
  • DIY projects for connecting to a COM port of a computer and various other components such as GSM module etc.

Also Searched as :ft232r usb uart ic, ft232r usb uart driver, ft232r driver, ft232r datasheet, ft232r driver ic, ft232r usb to serial uart interface.

SKU: RM000064 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00
Weight 1000000 g