FT2232D- USB 2.0 Slave to Dual UART / FIFO Converter ? IC

SKU: RM017732

Product Highlights

  • Operating Temperature: -40?C to +85?C
  • Data Rates: 3 Mbps
  • Package: 48-pin LQFP
  • Operating Supply Voltage: 5.25 V
  • Nominal Supply Current: 30 mA

758.00 (Incl. GST)

This is FT2232D- USB 2.0 Slave to Dual UART / FIFO Converter ? IC. The FT2232D is an updated version of FTDI?s 3rd generation USB UART / FIFO I.C. family.This device features two Multi-Purpose UART / FIFO controllers which can be configured individually in several different modes. As well as a UART interface, FIFO interface and Bit-Bang IO modes of the 2nd generation FT232BM and FT245BM devices, the FT2232D offers a variety of additional new modes of operation, including a Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine interface which is designed specifically for synchronous serial protocols such as JTAG, I2C, and SPI bus.

The FT2232D is fully pin to pin compatible with the previous FT2232C and FT2232L devices. In addition to supporting all of the FT2232C / FT2232L functionality, the FT2232D has an additional interface mode, CPU FIFO mode, and is specified for -40 to +85 degrees C operation.



The product may vary in shape, color, and markings as compared to the image shown depending upon availability.

Refer to datasheet in the ATTACHMENTS section for more info. regd. the product.


  1. Single chip USB to dual channel serial / parallel ports with a variety of configurations.
  2. Entire USB protocol handled on the chip?no USB specific firmware programming required.
  3. FT232B-style asynchronous serial UART interface option with full hardware handshaking and modem interface signals.
  4. UART Interface supports 7 / 8 bit data, 1 / 2 stop bits, and Odd / Even / Mark / Space / No Parity
  5. Fully assisted hardware or X-On / X-Off software handshaking.
  6. Transfer Data Rate 300 to 1 Mega Baud (RS232).
  7. Transfer Data Rate 300 to 3 Mega Baud (at TTL levels and RS422 / RS485).
  8. Auto transmit enable control for RS485 serial applications using TXDEN pin.
  9. In-built support for event characters and line break condition.
  10. Transmit and receive LED drive signals on each channel.
  11. FT245B-style FIFO interface option with bidirectional data bus and simple 4 wire handshake interface.
  12. USB to parallel FIFO transfer data rate up to 1 megabyte / second.
  13. Adjustable receive buffer timeout.
  14. Enhanced bit-bang Mode interface option with RD# and WR# strobes.
  15. New synchronous bit-bang mode interface option with RD# and WR# strobes.
  16. New Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial Engine (MPSSE) interface option
SKU: RM017732 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00
Weight 1000000 g