CD4047 Dual JK Master-Slave Flip-Flop

SKU: RM001625

46.00 (Incl. GST)

The CD4047B IC consists of a gatable astable multivibrator with logic techniques incorporated to permit positive or negative edge-triggered monostable multivibrator action with retriggering and external counting options. Inputs include +TRIGGER, -TRIGGER, ASTABLE, ASTABLE, RETRIGGER, and EXTERNAL RESET. Buffered outputs are Q, Q and OSCILLATOR. In all modes of operation, and external capacitor must be connected between C-Timing and RC-Common terminal, and an external resistor must be connected between the R-Timing and RC-Common terminals.

Features of CD4047 Dual JK Master-Slave Flip-Flop:

  • Power Consumption: special CMOS oscillator configuration.
  • Monostable (one-shot) or astable (free-running) operation.
  • True and complemented buffered outputs.
  • Only one external R and C required.
  • Buffered inputs.
  • 100% tested for quiescent current at 20 V.
  • Standardized, symmetrical output characteristics.
  • 5-V, 10-V, and 15-V parametric ratings.

Applications of CD4047 Dual JK Master-Slave Flip-Flop:

  • Envelope detection.
  • Frequency multiplication.
  • Frequency division.
  • Frequency discriminators.
  • Timing circuits.
  • Time-delay applications.

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SKU: RM001625 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00002-S03-P02-Z01
Weight 997 g