This is a combination of 4 input two NOR gates are monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuits. The N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors provide a symmetrical circuit with output swings essentially equal to the supply voltage. This results in high noise immunity over a wide supply voltage range.
Features of Cd4002 Dual 4 Input Nor Gate:
- Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V
- Low power : 10 nW (typ.)
- High noise immunity :0.45 VDD (typ.)
Applications of Cd4002 Dual 4 Input Nor Gate:
- Automotive, Alarm system, Data terminals, Industrial controls, Instrumentation, Remote metering, Medical Electronics, Computers
Also Searched as : cd 4002 ic on line in india,4 input nor gate,universal gate in india.