A C945 transistor is a type of NPN bipolar junction transistor. Circuits where a low-current, high-speed transistor is required will employ a transistor such as C945 transistor. Circuits such as a small-signal amplifier or a high-speed switching circuit might employ one or more C945 transistors.
Features of C945 NPN Transistor:
- Power dissipation=0.4W(Tamb=25?C).
- Collecter current(Icm)=0.15A.
- Collector-base voltage(Vcbo)=60V.
- Operating and storage junction temp. range=-55 to 150?C.
Applications of C945 NPN Transistor:
- DIY projects.
- Electrical/Electronic mini or major projects.
- Amplifier purposes.
- Switching purposes.
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