BC177 PNP Small Signal Transistor

SKU: RM001720

Applications of BC177 PNP General Purpose Transistor:

  1. It is used in switching device.
  2. It is used in amplifying device.
  3. It is used in DIY kits.
  4. It is used in Electronic projects.

41.00 (Incl. GST)

  1. The transistor is a 3 terminal & 2 junction semiconductor device which is used for switching or amplifying purposes.

    Features of BC177 PNP General Purpose Transistor:

      1. Collector-Emitter Volt (Vceo): 45V.
      2. Collector-Base Volt (Vcbo): 50V.
      3. Collector Current (Ic): 0.2A.
      4. hfe: 125-500 @ 2mA.
      5. Power Dissipation (Ptot): 300mW.
      6. Current-Gain-Bandwidth (ftotal): 100MHz.
      7. Type: PNP.

    Also Searched as : Transistor, BC177 transistor.

SKU: RM001720 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00009-S07-P02-Z01
Weight 991 g