Battery Holder (4 AA Size) Low Quality

SKU: RM000135

Product Highlights

  • Sturdy Plastic material.
  • No. of Batteries: 4.
  • Battery type: AA.

24.00 (Incl. GST)

Battery Holder is a holder used to hold 4 AA size batteries(pencil batteries). It is basically acting as storage from where power or energy can be transferred to the kit in which it is attached.

Features of Battery Holder (4 AA Size) Low Quality.

  • Sturdy Plastic material.
  • No. of Batteries: 4.
  • Battery type: AA.

Applications of Battery Holder (4 AA Size) Low Quality.

  • AA battery holder.
  • DIY projects requiring Self-supporting battery.

Also Searched as: high quality battery holder, 4aa battery holder, 4 cell battery holder, 4aa battery holder price, 4 aa battery box, 4 aa battery pack holder.

SKU: RM000135 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00010-S04-P05-Z01