8 Keys Input Keypad

SKU: RM000036

Product Highlights:

  • 8 switch.
  • 8 pin male connector for device interfacing.

118.00 (Incl. GST)

The 8key input keypad use to provide input to the controller devices. It has 8 tactile switches which provide input logic high or logic low. Keypad board have eight resistors to pull down the outputs of the switches to ground when the switch is not pressed. The eight pin male output connector connects directly to the microcontroller inputs.

Features of 8 Keys Input Keypad :

  • 8 switch.
  • 8 pin male connector for device interfacing.
  • Applications of 8 Keys Input Keypad :
  • Wired Remote Controlled Robot.
  • Electronic Voting Machine.
  • Generating External Interrupt
  • Musical Keypad and many more
SKU: RM000036 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00007-S07-P03-Z01
Weight 1000 g