6015 12VDC 0.84W Brushless Cooling Fan

SKU: RM008152

Product Highlights

  • Product:6015 12VDC 0.84W Brushless Cooling Fan
  • Operating Voltage (VDC): 12
  • Current Consumption (mA): 100
  • Rated Power (A): 0.15A
  • Bearing: Vapo Bearing system

379.00 (Incl. GST)

6015 12VDC 0.84W Brushless Cooling Fan This is the best quality  Cooling Fan. Use this compact fan to keep your projects cool. It is very easy to install and uninstall with easy mounting and a Connector to connect onboard. This Fan is also always in demand for High Ampere Motor drivers as well as PC CPU Box


  1. Motor Fan uses the MagLev technology with new design features
  2. Better dust-resistance
  3. Higher reliability
  4. Longer life expectancy
SKU: RM008152 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00010-S02-P04-Z01
Weight 1000 g