4mm Banana Socket Jack for Banana Plug Terminal Connector(Pack of 2)

SKU: RM007449

Product Highlights

  •  With aluminum alloy core, nickel plated, and a solid hard plastic shell.
  •  Suitable for 4mm banana plugs, spade terminals or a bare wire, easy to install and use.
  •  Ideal for speaker enclosure applications and amplifier, perfect for connecting center speakers to AV receivers.

24.00 (Incl. GST)

4mm Banana Socket Jack for Banana Plug Terminal Connector is a 4mm banana plug spade connector.  The connector is a nickel-plated aluminum alloy core with a hard plastic shell for insulation. This makes it durable and has stable performance.

The wire can be soldered directly on to the connector. This connector is suitable for spade terminals, banana plugs or bare wires; which is easier to install and use.

Also, the connector has color-coding for maintaining the polarity.


It is ideal for speaker enclosures, amplifiers, etc.


With aluminum alloy core, nickel-plated, and a solid hard plastic shell, the binding post is durable and reliable, have a stable performance.

Suitable for 4mm banana plugs, spade terminals or a bare wire, easy to install and use.

Color-coded black/red for maintaining proper polarity.

Ideal for speaker enclosure applications and amplifier, perfect for connecting center speakers to AV receivers.

SKU: RM007449 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00019-S01-P02-Z01
Weight 997 g