3V 5MM Red Clear Transparent LED Indicator Light with Cable (Pack of 5)

SKU: RM008266

Product Highlights

  • Product: Led Inductor
  • Voltage: 3V
  • Color: Red
  • Led Size: 5MM
  • Light weight
  • Easy to install in your projects

59.00 (Incl. GST)

3V 5MM Red Clear Transparent LED Indicator Light with Cable (Pack of 5)

An indicator light is mainly used on the circuit or mechanical equipment to monitor and alarm the operation status of the equipment. also LEDs are commonly used for indicator lights (such as power on/off lights) on electronic devices. They also have several other applications, including electronic signs, clock displays, and flashlights

Compared with conventional light sources that first convert electrical energy into heat, and then into light, LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) convert electrical energy directly into the light, delivering efficient light generation with little-wasted electricity.

LED, in full light-emitting diode, in electronics, is a semiconductor device that emits infrared or visible light when charged with an electric current.


  1. Product: Led Inductor
  2. Voltage: 3V
  3. Color: Red
  4. Led Size: 5MM
  5. Light weight
  6. Easy to install in your projects jects

SKU: RM008266 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00011-S03-P06-Z01