34 mm Circular Heat Sink for Motor

SKU: RM016595

Product Highlights

  1. Quantity of Blades: 20
  2. Material: Aluminium
  3. Color: Blue
  4. Base thickness: 2mm
  5. Blade thickness: 1mm
  6. Dimensions: 50 x 30 x 30mm

89.00 (Incl. GST)

This 34 mm Circular Heat Sink for Motor is to cool down Motor and make it operate safely. The aluminium heat sink reduces the risk of hardware failure because of overheating of the motor and adds long-life to it.

This Heat sink has 34 mm internal diameter which can be perfectly fit for 34mm motor body diameter.


  1. Prevents overheating of Motor
  2. Absorbs heat quickly
  3. Fast cooling
  4. Quantity of blade: 20
  5. Material: Aluminum
  6. Color: Blue
SKU: RM016595 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00
Weight 99998 g