3296W-1-500LF-Trimpot Potentiometer

SKU: RM008437

Product Highlights

  1. Model: 3296W-1-500LF
  2. Product type: Trimpot Potentiometer
  3. Temperature: -50 tto 40 Degree Celsius
  4. Rated Power: 0.5W
  5. Tolerance: +/- 10%

215.00 (Incl. GST)

3296W-1-500LF-Trimpot Potentiometer

A trimmer potentiometer, also known as a trim pot, is a type of variable resistor or adjustable potentiometer that can adjust, tune, and calibrate circuits. These trimmer resistors are often used to initially calibrate equipment after manufacturing.


Audio control: Both linear, and rotary potentiometers, are used to control audio equipment for changing the loudness and other audio-related signals.

Television: They are used to control the picture brightness, colour response and contrast.


  1. Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
  2. For Technical Specifications about the IC go through the Datasheet in the Attachment section
SKU: RM008437 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00000-S00-P00-Z00