1F 2.7V Super Capacitor DZN Through Hole

SKU: RM006445

Product Highlights:

  • Rated Voltage: 2.7V
  • Capacitance: 1F
  • Material: Electrical components
  • Color: Blue
  • Structure: Fixed Capacitor
  • Operating Temperature:-40 -105?

53.00 (Incl. GST)

1F 2.7V Super Capacitor DZN Through Hole

Application: Car Rectifier, Can Improve, Stereo, Speaker, Extended battery life, Balanced voltage, Extended battery life, Balanced voltage

Specifications and Features:

  1. Rated Voltage: 2.7V
  2. Capacitance: 1F
  3. Material: Electrical components
  4. Color: Blue
  5. Structure: Fixed Capacitor
  6. Operating Temperature:-40 -105?
  7. Green pollution-free Wider practicability for car starting, solar wind, etc.
  8. Long-life cycles: 1200000 times charge and discharge
  9. Safe and easy to use
SKU: RM006445 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00012-S07-P06-Z01