16Mhz Crystal Oscillator Full Size HC49/U Package (Pack of 5)

SKU: RM002832

Product Highlights

  • Shunt Capacitance less than 7pF
  • Drive Level less than 100?W
  • Operating Temperature Range: -20 to + 70?C
  • Operable Temperature Range: -25 to + 85?C
  • Storage Temperature Range: -55 to + 125?C

58.00 (Incl. GST)

Crystal Oscillator is an Electronics Oscillator circuit which uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to generate an electrical signal with an accurate frequency. It also has automatic amplitude control and frequency drift is also very low due to change in temperature. Crystal Oscillators are only suitable for high-frequency application. Crystal oscillator works on the principle of the Inverse Piezoelectric Effect, the applied electrical field will generate a mechanical distortion across some material. Therefore, it utilizes the vibrating crystal?s mechanical resonance, which is made through a piezoelectric material for generating an electrical signal of a certain frequency. Almost all microcontrollers have external oscillator when you want to use different clock speed in the microcontroller itself. Crystal Oscillators have two leads, there is no polarity for crystals and hence can be connected in both directions.


  1. Resonance Resistance 40ohms (max)
  2. Oscillation mode: Fundamental mode
  3. Shunt Capacitance less than 7pF
  4. Drive Level less than 100?W
  5. Operating Temperature Range: -20 to + 70?C
  6. Operable Temperature Range: -25 to + 85?C
  7. Storage Temperature Range: -55 to + 125?C
SKU: RM002832 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00013-S01-P02-Z01
Weight 1000000 g