12V DC 315MHz 2 Channel RF Receiver Module with RF Remote Control Switch

SKU: RM008198

Product Highlights

589.00 (Incl. GST)

12V DC 315MHz 2 Channel RF Receiver Module with RF Remote Control Switch

This 12V DC 315 MHz 2 Channel RF Receiver Module is a double channel module that can be used for remotely switching On/Off  any two AC/DC appliances of less than 800 wattage load.

Switching operation is performed by an electromagnetic relay and it has three terminals in it NC (Normally connect), NO (Normally Open) and Common to connect the AC/DC load.

This RF receiver module comes with Black Enclosure to protect it from external environmental conditions but it’s not meant to save the circuit from extreme environments and also it’s not waterproof.

The module runs on an external 12 volt supply as it’s not inbuilt in the module. The power is given through the Molex terminal marked as +Ve and -Ve on the RF receiver PCB Board.

The wireless range of remote is near about 10 mtr.

To run the module just give the supply voltage and press the button on the receiver module once to get it on the pairing mode and now press the button on the transmitter remote and they will now get paired but only for that single button of the remote but if you have a transmitter remote with two button then you have to repeat the same process for the second button to get it paired again for the second button.

SKU: RM008198 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00025-S06-P02-Z01
Weight 99995 g