100uF 16V Tantalum Capacitor

SKU: RM016391

Product Highlights:-

  • High Quality 100uF 16V Tantalum Capacitor
  • Excellent Temperature and Long-Life Stability
  • Moisture Resistant
  • Very Low Leakage Current
  • Accuracy: ?10%
  • Operating Temperature Range: -55?C to +85?C
  • RoHS Compliant

45.00 (Incl. GST)

Tantalum capacitors are a subtype of electrolytic capacitors. They are made of tantalum metal which acts as an anode, covered by a layer of oxide which acts as the dielectric, surrounded by a conductive cathode. The use of tantalum allows for a very thin dielectric layer. This results in a higher capacitance value per volume, superior frequency characteristics compared to many other types of capacitors, and excellent stability over time. 
Tantalum capacitors are generally polarized, which means that they may only be connected to a DC supply observing the correct terminal polarity. The downside to using tantalum capacitors is their unfavorable failure mode which may lead to thermal runaway, fires, and small explosions, but this can be prevented through the use of external failsafe devices such as current limiters or thermal fuses. Technology advances allow tantalum capacitors to be used in a wide variety of circuits, often found in laptops, the automotive industry, cell phones, and others.
Specifications & Features of 100uF 16V Tantalum Capacitor:-
  • High Quality 100uF 16V Tantalum Capacitor
  • Excellent Temperature and Long-Life Stability
  • Moisture Resistant
  • Very Low Leakage Current
  • Accuracy: ?10%
  • Operating Temperature Range: -55?C to +85?C
  • RoHS Compliant
SKU: RM016391 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00028-S03-P05-Z01
Weight 1000000 g