100nF (0.1uF -104) – 100V Polyester Box Capacitor (Pack of 5)

SKU: RM002758

Product Highlights:

  • Tolerance: 5%
  • Voltage: 100V
  • Material: Polyester
  • Pitch: 5 mm
  • Epoxy resin sealing
  • High dv/dt ability
  • Plastic case to UL 94V-0
  • Pack of 5

58.00 (Incl. GST)

100nF (0.1uF -104) – 100V Polyester Box Capacitor

A 100nF 100V box-type polyester film capacitor with a stacked construction. The features and performance of this capacitor make it suitable for such typical applications as by-passing, blocking, coupling/decoupling in pulse logic and timing circuits, compact fluorescent lamps, inverters for LCD monitors, automotive DC motor suppression, etc.

Features of 100nF (0.1uF -104) – 100V Polyester Box Capacitor :

  1. Tolerance: 5%
  2. Voltage: 100V
  3. Material: Polyester
  4. Pitch: 5 mm
  5. Epoxy resin sealing
  6. High dv/dt ability
  7. Plastic case to UL 94V-0
SKU: RM002758 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00020-S05-P03-Z01
Weight 973 g