LM34 Precision Fahrenheit Temperature Sensors

SKU: RM001930

Product Highlights 

  • Frequency to Voltage Converter with High Gain Op-Amp/Comparator
  • Ground Referenced Tachometer Input Interfaces Directly with Magnetic Pickups
  • Op Amp/Comparator has Floating Transistor Output
  • 50mA Sink or Source Current to Operate Relays
  • Frequency Doubling for Low Ripple

93.00 (Incl. GST)

  1. Frequency to Voltage Converter with High Gain Op-Amp/Comparator
  2. Ground Referenced Tachometer Input Interfaces Directly with Magnetic Pickups
  3. Op Amp/Comparator has Floating Transistor Output
  4. 50mA Sink or Source Current to Operate Relays
  5. Frequency Doubling for Low Ripple
SKU: RM001930 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00025-S07-P02-Z01
Weight 1000000 g