2N5087 PNP General Purpose Transistor

SKU: RM002073

Product Highlights 

  • Collector-Emitter Volt (Vceo): 50V
  • Collector-Base Volt (Vcbo): 50V
  • Collector Current (Ic): 0.05A
  • hfe: 250 @ 1mA
  • Power Dissipation (Ptot): 625mW
  • Current-Gain-Bandwidth (ftotal): 40MHz
  • Type: PNP

24.00 (Incl. GST)

The 2N5087 is a molded epoxy silicon PNP signal transistor designed for low-level, low-noise amplifier applications. The 2N5087 features high gain and low noise — the max noise figure of the 2N5087 is only 2.0dB, and the max DC current gain is up to 800, which ensures that the 2N5087 is capable of amplifying very low gain signals to high gain with noise reductions. The 2N5087 is also ideal to use in audio preamplifier and amplifier circuits and can be used in audio circuits where the input signal is quite low.
  1. Collector-Emitter Volt (Vceo): 50V
  2. Collector-Base Volt (Vcbo): 50V
  3. Collector Current (Ic): 0.05A
  4. hfe: 250 @ 1mA
  5. Power Dissipation (Ptot): 625mW
  6. Current-Gain-Bandwidth (ftotal): 40MHz
  7. Type: PNP
SKU: RM002073 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00003-S06-P04-Z01