The polyester film capacitor is a non-polarized capacitor used to store charge in it in the form of electrostatic field.
Features of 22pf/0.000022uf/100v Polyester Film Capacitor:
- Capacitance: 22pf.
- Voltage: 100volt.
- Code: 220.
- Type: polyester film.
Applications of 22pf/0.000022uf/100v Polyester Film Capacitor :
- Timing.
- Sample-and-hold A/D converters.
- Peak-voltage detectors.
- TV fullback tuning.
- Motor run.
- Snubbing.
- Projects.
Also Searched as : polyester film capacitor codes, polyester film capacitor characteristics, polyester film capacitor uses, polyester film capacitor values, polyester film capacitor calculator, metallized polyester film capacitor, polypropylene film capacitor.