The PIC16F887-I/P is a flash-based 8bit CMOS microcontroller in a 40 pin DIP package. This device supports power-saving sleep mode, power on reset (POR), brown out reset (BOR) with software control options.
Embedded Design & Development, Automotive, Industrial, Consumer Electronics
Market demand for this product has caused an extension in lead times. Delivery dates may fluctuate. Product exempt from discounts.
- Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
- For Technical Specifications about the IC go through the Datasheet in the Attachment section.
- 10bit, 14 channel A/D converter, and two comparator
- interfaces
- In-circuit serial programming (ICSP) via two pins
- Wide operating voltage range from 2V to 5.5V
- Operating temperature range from -40?C to 85?C