The PIC16F677-I/P is a mid-range PIC16 family 8-bit powerful (200 nanosecond instruction execution) yet easy-to-program (only 35 single word instructions) CMOS flash-based Microcontroller packs powerful PIC(RISC) architecture. This product offers all of the advantages of the well-recognized mid-range x14 architecture with standardized features including 3.5kB of addressable program memory size, 128bytes of data memory size, 18 general-purpose I/O pins, two comparators, and a 12-channel 10-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. This device operates at a maximum frequency of 20MHz with a wide operating voltage of 2 to 5.5V.
- 35 (14-bit wide) easy instructions to learn
- Hardware interrupt handling
- Brown-out Reset (BOR)
- Power-on reset (POR)
- Internal voltage reference (Bandgap)
- In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
Industrial, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Motor Drive & Control, Lighting, Medical, Security
- Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
- For Technical Specifications about the IC go through the Datasheet in the Attachment section.