EL817 SMD-4 Transistor Output Optocoupler (Pack of 5 ICs)

SKU: RM017930

Product Highlights

  • 10 to 20mA Collector current.
  • 50mA Forward current.
  • 6V Reverse voltage.
  • 200mW Total power dissipation.
  • Applications: Communications & Networking, Industrial.

46.00 (Incl. GST)

The EL817 series of devices each consist of an infrared emitting diode, optically coupled to a phototransistor detector. They are packaged in a 4-pin SMD package and Also available in DIP Package option.


  1. 10 to 20mA Collector current.
  2. 50mA Forward current.
  3. 6V Reverse voltage.
  4. 200mW Total power dissipation.
  5. Applications: Communications & Networking, Industrial.
SKU: RM017930 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00039-S03-P01-Z04
Weight 999898 g