MOC3011M IC ? Random Phase OptoIsolator IC

SKU: RM017903

Product Highlights

  • IC Name: MOC3011M
  • Package/Case: DIP-6

46.00 (Incl. GST)

The MOC301XM and MOC302XM series are optically isolated triac driver devices. These devices contain a GaAs infrared emitting diode and a light-activated silicon bilateral switch, which functions like a triac. They are designed for interfacing between electronic controls and power triacs to control resistive and inductive loads for 115 VAC operations.


  1. Consumer Appliances
  2. Industrial Motor


  1. Excellent IFT Stability ? IR Emitting Diode Has Low Degradation
  2. Peak Blocking Voltage: 250 V ? MOC301XM; 400 V ? MOC302XM
SKU: RM017903 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00013-S01-P03-Z01
Weight 999998 g