Aluminium Heat Sink 2/25T MM W

SKU: RM009644

Product Highlights:

  1. Material: Aluminum
  2. Color: Silver
  3. Shape : Rectangular
  4. Quantity of blade: 4

41.00 (Incl. GST)

Aluminium Heat Sink 2/25T MM W

Function of this Aluminum Heat Sink is to cool down the Chip IC LED and make it operate safely. The aluminum heat sink reduce the risk of hardware failure because of overheating .A component called a heat sink promotes heat transfer away from a hot gadget. By expanding the device’s working surface area and the amount of low-temperature fluid that flows through it, it is able to do this. It has a total of 18 fins and Its commonly used to Absorb the heat from the heat generated components.

Features of Aluminium Heat Sink 2/25T MM Plain :

  1. Prevents overheating of board
  2. Absorbs heat quickly
  3. Fast cooling
  4. Color: Silver
  5. Its used to Absorb the heat from the heat generated components
  6. Its made by Aluminium.
  7. Its known for its durability and tensile.
  8. Its used in Various engineering field and commercial industrial applications.
  9. Its rust proof heat sink.

SKU: RM009644 Category:
Warehouse Code: R00013-S06-P01-Z01